notify me

Choose the alert that’s best for you.  

Spend alert

Looking to better understand and take control of your monthly bill, or on a budget? You'll receive this alert when the amount due on your monthly bill is projected to go over an amount you specify.

High usage alert

With usage alerts, you'll receive notification by email or text when your usage is on pace to exceed your personalised weekly consumption amount.

notify me Alert FAQs
  • What is a Spend alert?
    You'll receive this alert when the amount due on your monthly bill is projected to go over an amount you've specified.
  • What is a High Usage alert?
    You'll receive this alert when your usage is likely to exceed your weekly consumption according to your pre-set amount.
  • Who is eligible for the alerts?
    You’re eligible to set alerts because you're our customer.
  • What types of alerts can I receive?
    Once you've set your alerts at a specific threshold we'll send you an email, text or both, when you exceed that amount. For example, if you enter a spend alert of $32, if your electricity costs increase by this amount compared to the previous month, you'll receive an alert by email, text or both depending on your preferences.
  • Why should I sign up for the Spend and High Usage alert?
    The Spend and High Usage alerts are a free and easy tool to help you better manage your monthly bill. It gives you time to reduce your usage before your next bill arrives, if you’re trending to exceed the bill amount you set.
  • Can the High Usage alert help lower my bill?
    When you receive your High Usage alert, this is an early indication that your usage has exceeded the threshold you set. When this happens, you can take immediate steps to conserve energy before your next bill arrives.
  • How do I stop alert notifications?
    You can unsubscribe to alerts by toggling the button to the off position.
  • Where can I get energy savings tips?
    Investigate how you could save on your energy bills and get tips on being energy efficient at home and get tips on what you can do to reduce usage and cost.